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In the symbolic year of 2010 Anasta, Book 10 of Vladimir Megre's Ringing Cedars of Russia series has become an answer to the questions and events continuously arising in the society. As the author mentioned, this is not the continuation of his previous books, but it is the beginning or the first step towards a new temporal physical and intellectual dimension. It's not a revolution but evolution in the society development.
In honor of this long-awaited event a new annual festival has been founded by Vladimir Megre. The festival program included five contests, Round Table Meetings, Trade Fair, Kin's Domains Exhibit, Folk Art Exhibits, Slavic Clothes Exhibit and Music Art Performances.
RINGING CEDARS Festival has become a gage of public interest on creative work of Vladimir Megre. The geography of participants was impressive.
RINGING CEDARS Festival has become the model of multi-thousand social event execution without gambling games, tobacco or alcohol, arranged for the people from all over the world without distinction as to their nationality, religion or other factors.
See You at the II Annual RINGING CEDARS Festival!