Cedar Elixir. Clinical Trial 14.10.2017 13:39:29

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A little bit about the numbers that we ourselves did not expect to see! Last year experts from Federal State Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology”, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have agreed to research our Cedar Elixir. Its impact was evaluated on the basis of chemical blood test of 23 volunteers.

Blood test — taking the cedar elixir within one month — check blood test. Among the volunteers were healthy, with characteristics within the normal range as well as guys with serious abnormalities: iron-deficiency anemia, low hemoglobin etc.

A month later, we were jumping for joy after receiving the results! Check blood test showed a noticeable improvement in ALL problematic points ALL the participants of the research! The most common moments that surely corrected (for a few units) is the increase in hemoglobin levels, increase in the number of red blood cells and white blood cells (and therefore! the increase in protective properties of the organism) and iron levels in the blood. And those who did not have any obvious abnormalities, indications came closer to the middle — ideal result. It’s amazing how wise nature approach to each body, finding its personal balance!

Cedar cone elixir was used and researched for the first time. However, the first obtained results of research gives reason to conclude: we have received a new product from nature which significantly improves the state of human health!!!

What Does the Science Say?

And so began the study of the Elixir. I was introduced to Dr. Natalia Nikolaevna Svechnikova — one of the best dermatologists of Novosibirsk, Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of higher category, leading researcher Federal State Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology”, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, teacher with a great experience.

At the meeting, I gave her four bottles of Elixir. I talked a lot about obtaining of the Elixir, about reviews of people who have taken it. I watched her reaction and saw the distrust in her eyes. We agreed that she would distribute the bottles to patients at their will, tells how to use Elixir and learn about their experience. We said goodbye to each other at this point.

After about 20 days I heard her call. “Come over to me!” she said. When I came to medical center, I saw the fire in her eyes. Natalia Nikolaevna admitted that she treated with interest to local producers and WHEN PATIENTS AFTER TAKING THE ELIXIR BEGAN TO TELL HER HOW IT HELPED THEM — SHE WAS VERY EXCITED. I got a reliable ally. It was decided to conduct clinical trials of the product, to research it thoroughly. At this stage I realized that it is necessary to patent and register to promote a separate brand for the product of such force. It was agreed to create “Nature Pharmacy” and Cedar Elixir has received a state patent. This means that the product is unique, and nobody has the right to reproduce it in the same form.

Sergey Megre

Natalia Nikolaevna Svechnikova

Свечникова Наталья Николаевна.png

Ringing Cedars of Russia Research Adviser

Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of higher category, leading researcher of Federal State Scientific Institution “Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology”, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, teacher with a great experience.

“Cedar Elixir — product that really surprised me. Its main feature is the unique composition of micronutrients and increased body’s assimilability. Our studies revealed a property of cedar cone oil to BALANCE IN THE BLOOD LEVEL OF IRON AND COPPER — it strongly enhances the body’s ability to PROTECT FROM VIRUSES AND STRESS. Cedar Elixir helps to optimize metabolism and, therefore, to configure the body to correct functioning. Regular correct intakes of oil bring back healthy and active life, relieves stress and fatigue. I’ve been watching it during the whole period of research. This product can be recommended as a food additive that beneficially affects the human body in modern aggressive environment.”

Proven results!

Cedar Elixir aligns the content of microelements in the blood, leading them to the golden mean. Laboratory studies show: after taking the Elixir, the number of missing elements increases, and the number of elements contained in excess getting smaller.

Gradually, day by day, the Elixir leads body to balance.

As can be seen from the results of laboratory tests, the values of almost all the parameters closer to the mid-interval reference values: increased number of leukocytes and platelets, balanced hemoglobin and number of red blood cells.

One month of taking the cone oil increased and improved almost all the rates. And although some of them still do not reach the lower limit of normal, further taking the Elixir can help to restore the body and to normalize blood composition. This will be facilitated by adjusted level of white blood cells responsible for the immune response and resistance to external and internal negative factors.
