Kin Domains

What is Kin Domains?
First choose a place you like out of all the possible favorable places on Earth, a place where you would like to live, where you would want your children to live, and where you would be a good memory for your great-grandchildren. The climate in that place must be favorable for you. Take for the ages one hectare of land in that place for yourself. What actions would you take if you were standing on your own land?
A fence“Wouldn’t it be better, Vladimir, instead of lots of posts that are later going to rot, to plant trees? Between them you can plant impassable bushes. What a beautiful fence that might make. Everyone would have one a little different, and each could gaze in admiration. Your descendants would remember you as the beautiful fence’s creator through the ages. Time would not be taken from them to repair it, and it would bring benefits. It would function not only as a barrier. One fence should be made of birches growing in a row. Another from oaks. Some, in a creative surge, would make a fence of many colors, like in a fairytale.”
“One might plant different-colored trees: birches, maples, oaks, cedars. Another could intertwine mountain ash with their burning red clusters and plant guelder rose between them. Still another could make room for bird cherries and lilac. You can think all of it through from the beginning. Each person must observe what grows—how high, how it blooms in spring, how it smells, and what kinds of birds it attracts. Your fence would be singing and fragrant and would never tire your gaze, since it would subtly change its pictures by a half-tone every day. It would bloom with the flower of spring and blaze with the colors of fall.”
In order to carry out the project as quickly as possible, you can use a plow around the perimeter to dig a furrow and plant the saplings in it. Plant all the saplings and shrubbery seeds that you’ve selected between the trees at once. Then run the plow again right next to that and turn the earth. Before the earth gets trampled, correct and line up each of the saplings.”
Each person can sense intuitively what is the most acceptable for him and what will also bring joy to his children and grandchildren. There cannot be a single plan. It is as individual as the great painting of a painter-creator. Each has his own
Our plot is a wastelandThe wasteland has been surrounded by a living fence. Let us take up another three quarters or half with forest and plant different kinds of trees in it. At the forest’s edge, where the remaining land joins, we will plant living fencing out of the kinds of bushes that animals can’t get through to trample the seedlings in the garden. In the forest of living saplings planted closer to each other, we will set up an enclosure where a goat or two, for example, might live later. Also out of the trees, we will set up a shelter for laying hens.
In the garden, we will dig a shallow pond of a couple of hundred square meters.
We will plant raspberry and currant bushes among the forest trees, and wild strawberries along the edge. Also in the forest, after the trees have grown a little, we will place three empty troughs for bees. We will plant a gazebo of trees, where you and your friends or children can be together, away from the heat, and we will set up a living bedroom, and your creative studio. And a bedroom for the children, and a guest room.
Bushes between the trees—think about how to use them for your life’s delight. But here the trees do not let the grass and bushes grow between them, and you can bear this in mind for your own future living home. You must give everything a program and adjust it to your taste. To cherish and delight you and your children, everything in the vicinity that will be on your land must cherish and nourish.
A garden can also be made in such a way that it does not require too much labor from you, after all. Here it is only necessary to observe. Between the grasses—the way everything grows in the forest—you could also grow vegetables, the most beautiful tomatoes and cucumbers. You’d find their taste much more pleasant than what you normally eat, and they will bring the organism much more benefit when the land around them is not bare.
There is nothing without benefit in nature, and there are no unneeded weeds. Nor are there beetles that harm man.
How can you plow the same place every year, tormenting the land? It is like picking at an unhealed wound with a rake and at the same time demanding that grace grow from the wounds. The potato beetle or locust will not touch the plot that you and I are drawing. When everything grows in great harmony, then the fruits yielded to their grower are harmonious.
HomeIt is not worth putting too much effort in building a large house that is too solid.
When your grandchildren grow up, they will definitely understand what material of all the earthly ones conceived would be more pleasant, solid, and healthful for them. Right now, you do not have that kind of material. Your grandchildren will build a wooden house out of the trees that their grandfather planted and their father and mother loved. That house will heal them, protect them from evil spirits, and inspire them to the light. The great energy of Love will live in that house.
Kin Domain’s list
- Altysh (Bashkortostan)
- Ar’yavarta (Voronezh Oblast/Region)
- Aritsa (Saratov Oblast)
- Atrika (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Aurasfeld (Kailingrad Oblast /Region)
- Baikaliya (Republic of Buryatia)
- Balabushki (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Belogor’e (Bashkortostan)
- Belogury (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Belye Rosy (Irkutsk Oblast /Region)
- Berezan (Altai Krai/Region)
- Berezhnoe (Altai Krai/Region)
- Beshchaul (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Beshmetovka (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Blagodar (Bashkortostan)
- Blagodara (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Blagodat’ (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Blagodat’ (Perm Krai/Region)
- Blagodatnaya Polyana (Bashkortostan)
- Blagodatnoe (Rostov Oblast/Region)
- Blagodatnoe (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Blagodatnoe (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Blagodatnoe (Voronezh Oblast/Region)
- Blagoe (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Blagorodnoe (Kaluga oblast/Region)
- Blagosvet (Sary-Chumysh) (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Bliz Subbotovo (Bryansk Oblast/Region)
- Bogatoe (Orlov Oblast/Region)
- Bogatyrskoe (Ivanovo Oblast /Region)
- Bogdanovo (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Bogorodskoe (Perm Krai/Region)
- Borskoe (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Burtasovo (Kostroma Oblast/Region)
- Burukhino (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Cheremshanka (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Cheremushki (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- Chik-Elga (Bashkortostan)
- Chikul'skiy Kedr (Bashkortostan)
- Chistoe Nebo (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Chistye Istoki (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Chistye Istoki (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Chistye Ozera (Bashkortostan)
- Chudo (Penza Oblast/Region)
- Chudogor’e (Perm Krai/Region)
- Chudosvet (Kangulovo) (Bashkortostan)
- Chukhrai (Bryansk Oblast/Region)
- Chutor Mochaki (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Cvetushchiy Sad (Leningrad Oblast/Region)
- Davydovo (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Demid (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Denevo (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Dobroles’e (Medvedovo) (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Dobrolyubovka (former RusiYar) (Penza Oblast/Region)
- Dobrosvet (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Dobrynya (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Dolina Ra (Altai Krai/Region)
- Domnitsy (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Drevo (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Druzhnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Dublin’kovo (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Dubrava (Saratov Oblast)
- Dubravushka (Samara Oblast/Region)
- Dubravushka (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Dubrovo (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Eseninskaya Sloboda (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Frolovskoe (Bashkortostan)
- Gostagaevskaya (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Gradislav (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Imbiren’ (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Istok (Jewish Autonomous Oblast/Region)
- Itkara (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Ivantsevo (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Izh (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Izobil’noe (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Kalinka (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Kalinovets’ (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Kaltash (Altai Krai/Region)
- Kanachak (Altai Republic)
- Karel’skoe Zales’e (The Republic of Karelia)
- Kedrovoe (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Kedrovy Rozhok (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Kedry Sinegor’ya (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Kholomki (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Khrebet Uralsky (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Khutor Zima (Perm Krai/Region)
- Kolyvanovo (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Korenskie Rodniki (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Kovcheg (Kaluga oblast/Region)
- Krasnaya Polyana (“Red Meadow”) (Bashkortostan)
- Krasnoe (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Krasnoles’e (The Republic of Crimea )
- Krasota (Kursk Oblast/Region)
- Kurt’ya (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Kushma (Perm Krai/Region)
- Kuzminovskaya Sloboda (Samara Oblast/Region)
- LadaGa (Irkutsk Oblast /Region)
- Ladamir (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Ladnoe (Perm Krai/Region)
- Ladnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Ladoleya (Perm Krai/Region)
- Ladushki (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Lagoda (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Lagutovka-Russkiy (Bashkortostan)
- Lepota (Arkhangelsk Oblast/Region)
- Lesnaya Polyana (The Mari El Republic)
- Lesnoe (Kailingrad Oblast /Region)
- Lesnoi Rodnik (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Lipovaya Roshcha (Samara Oblast/Region)
- Luchezarnoe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Luchezarnoe (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Luchezarnoe (Moscow Oblast/Region)
- Luchistoe (Leningrad Oblast/Region)
- Luchistoe (The Republic of Crimea )
- Luchistoe (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Luchistoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Lysnyagi (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Lyubavinka (Saratov Oblast)
- Lyubimoe (Bashkortostan)
- LyuboDar (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Lyuboistok (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Makoshino (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Malinkino (Kolobovo) (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Malinovka (Bashkortostan)
- Mar’ino (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- Mayskoye (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Medovoe (Perm Krai/Region)
- Medunitsa (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Medyn'ka (Kaluga oblast/Region)
- Melovoe (Saratov Oblast)
- Mezhdurech’e (Orlov Oblast/Region)
- Mihaylovskoe (Bashkortostan)
- Milaya Vedrussiya (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Milenki (Kaluga oblast/Region)
- Mirnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Mirodol’e (Moscow Oblast/Region)
- Narali (Bashkortostan)
- Novaya Zemlya (Bashkortostan)
- Novorodnik (Zabaikasky Krai /Region)
- Novy Mir (The Republic of Mordovia)
- Novy Put’ (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Oberezhnoe (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Otradnoe (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Pervoistoki (Legkanur) (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Petropavlovskoe (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Pod’yablochnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Podsolnuchi (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Polyana (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Primernoe (Leningrad Oblast/Region)
- Prirodnoe (Orenburg Oblast/Region)
- Privol’e (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Privolnoe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Privorgolye (Laukhino) (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- PRO SVET (Perm Krai/Region)
- Radomir (Primorsky Krai/Region)
- Radonezh’e-Vinogradovka (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- Radost’ (Penza Oblast/Region)
- Radostnoe (Joyful) (Altai Krai/Region)
- Radosvet (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Radosvet (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Raduga (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Raduzh’e (Orlov Oblast/Region)
- Raduzhnoe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Raduzhnoe (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Raduzhnoe (The Republic of Crimea )
- Raduzhnoe (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Raduzhnoe (Rainbow) (Bashkortostan)
- Raduzhnoe (Ust’-Bugadysh) (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Raduzhnoe u Medveditsy (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Raduzhnye Kurorty (Perm Krai/Region)
- Ragoza Porubovo (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Raisky Ugolok (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Rassvet (Krasnoyarsk Krai/Region)
- Rassvetnoe (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- RaSvet (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Rod’ Rysichi (Perm Krai/Region)
- Rodasvet (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Rodina (former Tichiy Zov) (Bashkortostan)
- Rodinka (Orenburg Oblast/Region)
- Rodniki (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Rodniki (Perm Krai/Region)
- Rodniki (Kurgan Oblast/Region)
- Rodniki (Kostroma Oblast/Region)
- Rodniki (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Rodniki (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Rodnoe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Rodnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Rodnye Istoki (Perm Krai/Region)
- Rodnye Prostory (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Rodolad (Samara Oblast/Region)
- Rodoles’e (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Rodoslavnoe (Saratov Oblast)
- Rodoslavnoe (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Rodovoe na Krasnoi Samarke (Samara Oblast/Region)
- Rodovye Istoki (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Rodushka (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Rosinka (Primorsky Krai/Region)
- Rostok (Rostov Oblast/Region)
- Russko-Vedovo (Leningrad Oblast/Region)
- Russkoe Kancherovo (Orenburg Oblast/Region)
- Rzhavets (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- Salozer’e (Volgograd Oblast/Region)
- Schastlivoe (Perm Krai/Region)
- Schastlivye Vasilki (Voronezh Oblast/Region)
- Serebristyi Kedr (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Serebryany Bor (Ustinka) (Belgorod Oblast/Region)
- Serebryanye Rosy (Bryansk Oblast/Region)
- Settlement in Paspaul district (Altai Republic)
- Shmeli (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Sibirsky Kedar (Kemerovo Oblast/Region)
- Sinegor’e-Vedrussiya (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Skazka (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Skazki o Sile (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Skazochnyy Krai (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Solnechnaya (Rostov Oblast/Region)
- Solnechnaya Dolina (Perm Krai/Region)
- Solnechnaya Polyana (Kursk Oblast/Region)
- Solnechnoe (Samara Oblast/Region)
- Solnechnoe (Penza Oblast/Region)
- Solnechnoe (Novgorod Oblast /Region)
- Solnechnoe (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Solnechnoe (The Republic of Crimea )
- Sozonicha (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Spasskoe (Voronezh Oblast/Region)
- Strelenki (Kaluga oblast/Region)
- Sutoki (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Svetlaya Zemlya (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Svetlloe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Svetloe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Svetloe (Moscow Oblast/Region)
- Svetloe (The Republic of Crimea )
- Svetlye Rodniki (Perm Krai/Region)
- Svetochi (Voronezh Oblast/Region)
- Svetochi (Altai Republic)
- Svetogor’e (Altai Krai/Region)
- Svetorus’e (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Svoya Zemlya (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Tatianovka (Bashkortostan)
- Teremki (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Topolevoe (Primorsky Krai/Region)
- Tuzha (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Uyutnoe na Vodogae (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Vdol’ Reki (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Vedrica Forest Gardens (Idaho)
- Vedrussiya (Saratov Oblast)
- Velikoe (Moscow Oblast/Region)
- Vishenka (Kursk Oblast/Region)
- Vol’noe (Pskov Oblast/Region)
- Voploshenie (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Voroninka (Bryansk Oblast/Region)
- Voskresenka (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Voskresenskoe (Bashkortostan)
- Vostok’ (Rostov Oblast/Region)
- Vozrozhdenie (Perm Krai/Region)
- Vozrozhdenie (Omsk Oblast/Region)
- Vozrozhdenie (Novgorod Oblast /Region)
- Yagodnoe (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)
- Yagodnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Yany (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Yasnoe (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Yasnoe (Leningrad Oblast/Region)
- Yasnovetie (Zyablets) (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Zabor’e (Perm Krai/Region)
- Zapolyanye (Lipetsk Oblast/Region)
- Zapovedny Krai (The Republic of Karelia)
- Zavertnaya (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Zavetnoe (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Zdravoe (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Zelenoe Oblako (Perm Krai/Region)
- Zelenyi Orel (Former Blagorodnoe) (Perm Krai/Region)
- Zemlyanichnye Polyany (Ryazan Oblast/Region)
- Zhiva (na Neive) (Sverdlov Oblast)
- Zhivitsa (Novosibirsk Oblast/Region)
- Zhivograd (Vladimir Oblast/Region)
- Zhivoi Dom (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Zhivoi Rodnik (Krasnodar Krai/Region)
- Zhivoi Svet (Kirov Oblast/Region)
- Zimari (Druzhnoe) (Altai Krai/Region)
- Zolotaya Zhitnitsa (Nizhegorod Oblast/Region)