Interview with Vladimir Megre 2018: where are Anastasia and their children 13.11.2018 20:58:01

Vladimir Megre answered the most popular questions about Anastasia and their children, told about his kin domain.

Yana Iger interview with Vladimir Megre

Frankfurt, October 9th, 2018

Vladimir Megre - Russian writer

Yana Iger - member of the ‘Ringing Cedars’ team in Germany


Yana Iger: Good morning to our listeners and readers. Today I’m with Vladimir Nikolaevich Megre in Frankfurt. I will try to answer all of your questions that we have received in the past months. We’ll try to be brief.

This takes us to our first question - what brings you to Germany? What does Anastasia say about Germany and Europe?

Vladimir Megre: As far as our business in Germany is concerned, I know as much as you. As for Anastasia, she doesn’t differentiate between people living in Russia or elsewhere in Europe. I didn’t see how this could be, given that we don’t speak the same language, but, perhaps, in a more profound sense, we aren’t that different. We have different political systems. However, these things change - one day we have one system, the next another. The quality of the land differs between countries too.

I often hear people say: “How are we supposed to build Kin Domains? Territory here is expensive, hard to come by, and there’s not enough of it for everyone.”

What’s the problem? Three German families have built Kin Domains and live in the settlement I belong to. One’s homeland doesn’t have to be the place one was born. It is the place you choose to build on, to create a living space for yourself and your family. Borders come and go. Today the government decides on one border, tomorrow another. Look at the Roman empire.

I think Anastasia’s ideas are global. A Russian could fall in love with a German and build their Kin Domain here, or they could go to Russia and build it there. If you look at it that way, there’s a whole lot of unused land on planet earth that has been abandoned and overgrown. So much untouched land just crying out for someone to come and make something of it. So it’s not an issue. The philosophy is stronger than man-made borders.

You know, I was just chatting to the film crew before giving this interview, and we thought of a great idea - what if we created our own channel where we discuss issues like how to co-exist with the government, and practical questions about philosophy and life in a Kin Domain Settlement. Let’s put it into practice.

Yana Iger: Sure! I’m all for it!

Vladimir Megre: So it’s settled then. When do we start?

Yana Iger: Let’s start planning now.

Vladimir Megre: Ok, so we start planning now, and our first broadcast will be, say, just before New Year?

We’re establishing a round-the-clock call-in show or an open panel discussion. In Russia there is already an organisation which conducts Q&A shows headed by president Vladimir Putin. It’s called the National Front. Panel talks and Q&A sessions will teach people about the movement and help it grow. Why don’t we ask the National Front to collaborate with us?

Yana Iger: Gladly!

Vladimir Megre: Imagine how big this could get. The leader of the movement is Vladimir Putin - we’d be collaborating with the head of government! We start the channel, they join us, and before you know it other heads of state will join too. Can you imagine?

Yana Iger: I think it doesn’t matter who you are. Head of state or not, at the end of the day, we’re all people. People who care about causes like ours.

The National Front is such a serious and well-established organisation. Do you know what it’s also known as?

Yana Iger: No, what?

Vladimir Megre: Popular Diplomacy.

That’s how we reach readers from other countries. Which countries’ citizens can you influence?

Yana Iger: People from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Italy.

Vladimir Megre: That many?

Yana Iger: That’s where our channel is broadcast.

Vladimir Megre: Good, go ahead. And what other countries can we reach? Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan - ok, we’re not doing badly either.

Yana Iger: Great.

Vladimir Megre: We can give each other gifts. We’ll send pickles from Russia and get to know each other. On our site we have a section “Wife-Goddess”, where men and women search for their other half.  It is a unique site because the people who go there search for their partner according to shared lifestyle goals, with the aim of creating a Kin Domain with someone. I believe these people need their own TV channel.

Yana Iger: Me too.

Vladimir Megre: I would like to say something else to your listeners from Germany, Sweden and the Czech Republic. If you are looking for love, I know a great old trick. What do single men do when they want to find a wife? Do they go online and write “looking for a wife”, or in the old days would they march straight into the village declaring, “I want a wife, I’m a nice guy”? No. Ancient wisdom has developed a better way, which I’d like to talk about now so that you can use it immediately.

Let’s say a German man wants to find himself a Russian wife. He picks up his axe, saw and hammer - his toolkit - and goes into town as quick as he can. Let’s imagine in this instance it’s a settlement. So he goes there and and says: “I’m looking for work. Does anyone have a job for me?” Everyone knows what he’s really there for. Then a young woman, our bride-to-be, replies: “I do – I need someone to make my porch steps.” So he takes the job, and they negotiate a deal. They agree on a price and that she has to feed him and give him board. He does the work, and she keeps up her end of the bargain. Maybe she’s not such a good cook, but he likes her, so it doesn’t matter. And maybe he doesn’t do such a good job on the steps, but she likes him, so she forgives him. And when the work is done, they stay together. She thinks up another job for him to do, and they end up living together. And if it doesn’t work out and they don’t like each other - what’s the problem? The work is done, he got paid, and she got her porch steps.

So, we’ve talked about the programme and territory. What next? What other questions are there?

Yana Iger: One other question that everyone asks is: when was the last time you saw Anastasia? How is she?

Vladimir Megre: She is always well. She is such a positive, happy, and strong person with such a clear vision of how she wants to live, and is living, that she is always fine.

If the question refers to physically being with Anastasia, I can confirm that I have seen her. I can’t give an exact date, but it was let’s say about four months ago. If our listeners want to know the last time I spoke to Anastasia, it would be easier to give them the date that I last didn’t speak to her. My whole life is dedicated to Anastasia, my readers, and anyone connected to her or them. It’s my life.

Yana Iger: Does Anastasia still live in the Taiga?

Vladimir Megre: They’re still trying to find her in the Taiga. I’m beginning to understand why she lives the way she does - not appearing in public, holding meetings or running for president like people here in the city do.

Picture Anastasia, sitting in a meadow. A crowd of people surrounds her and one by one come up to her begging her her to cure them. It would be absurd seeing as it is something she is completely against. She tells people: “Change your way of life, and your life will change. You’ll get better by yourself.” She doesn’t try to be MP of a particular region. She simply tries to do what it takes to make people see the merit of her lifestyle without recourse to all that.

Perhaps I’ve already said how one day it may come about that Anastasia and I will walk together down Kalininskij Avenue in Moscow on our way to meet people. People will recognise us but they won’t act amazed because they will already be living the same way as Anastasia. They will have her soul. She says: “I give my soul to the people. My soul lives on through others. Evil, prepare to leave this earth.”

I often see people with Anastasia’s soul. You can see it in their eyes and their behaviour. They are wiser and happier.

For those who understand, Anastasia is always with them. You can be physically close to a person, married even, but that doesn’t mean that you are truly together. A man gets home from work and sits down on the couch to read the paper while his wife tolls away in the kitchen. They live side-by-side, but are they truly together? They’re as far apart as the stars in the sky.

Yana Iger: Thank you so much. Another question - what does your son do? Where is he now?

Vladimir Megre: My son is working on the Kin Domain settlement. There are many improvements being made. I also work on it when I have time.

There are alot of points on the edge of the settlement that are open and can be used as entrances to the Kin Domain. I decided to make a gate. But what kind of gate? We designed in the form of a little house. If you look at the gate, you see a little house, with a window and roof. When you approach the house, it magically opens up for you, allowing you into the Kin Domain, then it closes behind you. I thought it up myself. It’s not finished yet. It’s going to have curtains and a burning lamp or candle in the window, and it’s going to have smoke coming from the chimney. People say: “Who tells Megre to do all this stuff? It must be his son. And in his books he says that he does everything.” Of course my son gives suggestions.

This gate is no ordinary gate. It is special in that it changes a person’s philosophy. On leaving the house, we have to check ourselves in the mirror, fix our hair, get dressed in our best clothes and then leave the premises. The home is a sacred place. It’s the place you spend most of your life and celebrate big events. Why do you preen yourself when you leave it, but not on entering?  So I decided to put a dresser and mirror next to the gate, so that when you arrive you can fix yourself up before going in. Such a special place deserves special respect. Who thought that part up? My son of course.

Then there’s the embankment. The idea was to have a normal embankment surrounding the Kin Domain. And it proved itself to be extremely effective. That embankment is the place where growth is strongest, out of all other places on our territory. Not only does it provide a symbolic barrier to out property, it is useful, and the plants that grow there grow twice as well as anywhere else! This year I have mustard growing there. Mustard is good for the soil and provides nectar for the bees, and it’s about twice as good as the stuff that grows elsewhere.

Yana Iger: Your son made a special cleansing lotion to disinfect the skin. Everyone wants to know if there’s a recipe.

Vladimir Megre: I don’t know. I can ask. But I will just say: how do these people - ascetics like my son – how do they go about choosing plants for use? He made that elixir when he was very young. So how do they choose the right herbs?

Yana Iger: Intuitively.

Vladimir Megre: They feel it. Take dogs. We can train them to find beneficial herbs. We humans have far more uses for them than animals do. Every Kin Domain should have its own pharmaceutical herb patch, otherwise known as a living pharmacy. One can of course look around for them. Sometimes I just take a herb, automatically, not realising even what it is that ails me. I’ll pick some wormwood growing beside a forest path. Obviously, you shouldn’t pick plants growing next to a motorway. Then I’ll try boiling it up to drink. And then, I guess, I’ll find out what it does. Turns out it’s a herbal remedy. Later on I’ll go off it (for various reasons), and get interested in squashes. I’ll notice that squash really helps my eyesight.

We need to develop these skills. But instead we all try to find out how we can get what we need from others, instead of trusting our own organism.

The best diet is the one God gave us. It is simple but effective. Let’s consider why honeysuckle and dandelions grow in such abundance. One pops up, then another, then a third and a fourth. The earth they choose to grow on contains exactly the right nutrients they need in order to ripen and grow their leaves, if they have them. The soil contains just what they need to protect them against disease. God made it so.

It provides the perfect conditions for the plant.

Let’s say it’s the season for chamomile, so I go looking for it along the forest path – that’s not going to help me. Or, for example, it’s apple season, so I go to the shop and buy and apple – it does nothing for me.

Anastasia says: “That apple did not grow for you, it grew for money.” The person who grew that apple did so for money. Naturally, to earn a decent wage he would have had to add some kind of fertilizers. Any onion that grows in those conditions will not have healing properties. But if you grow a plant with love, that plant will return that love to you.

It’s one thing to grow it yourself and quite another to buy it in a pharmacy.

- “Give me chesty cough remedy number 4, please”.

- Here you go.

What do you have inside that packet?

Yana Iger: When was it picked? Where was it picked?

Vladimir Megre: Exactly. When was it picked? Who picked it? Who gave a damn about it? Who packed it? There is a lot of wonder in the world. We study physics and chemistry, yet we know next to nothing of the incredible powers of the natural world.

Yana Iger: We strive to discover new worlds, but we’re scared to discover the one we live in.

Vladimir Megre: Yes, people want to know all about other worlds in far away galaxies and meet intelligent life that can give us the secrets of the universe. They look up to the stars for answers, but what they can’t see is that the very planet we live on can give everything we need. The stars look at us and say: “When will those people come over here and teach us how to create such a beautiful world as theirs?”

Yana Iger: Just like herbs wait for us to stop using our big brains and just pick them to see what they’re made of.

Vladimir Megre: That’s what nature is made for - it’s like a protective incubus made for humans, to protect us and feed us.

Yana Iger: Next question. There are of course a lot of questions relating to your daughter who has been spending time with Anastasia. Is she still with Anastasia, or did she leave like your son?

Vladimir Megre: Everything is fine with my daughter. She is beautiful and intelligent. Now, just imagine that I told you where my son is now, who his fiancee is and when the wedding will be. What do you think would happen? Would people go and look for him?

Yana Iger: They would. They wouldn’t leave him alone snf for that reason you shouldn’t tell us. It’s just that people often think that if they were to see someone, for example, like Anastiasia, their lives would change and their problems would diminish. They just hope that someone will help them because they themselves don’t have the strength to do it alone.

Vladimir Megre: When I was in India, in Goa, I argued with some pilgrims. There was a Yogi there. People approached him constantly.

I spoke to a few of them. I said: “The fact that you’ve come here means that you’ve completely rejected your own inner power and knowledge. You ask someone else to show you the same power that you rejected, to tell you what you need to do. Is that right? Are you doing the right thing? You came here, to India, to look for this person. Are you a rich person?”

He replied: “No. I came here for knowledge.”

- Did you find it? Can you go home and impart this knowledge with your family? What are you providing for your family, having gained this knowledge?

He thought about it, and it became apparent that he couldn’t give them anything.

Sometimes I ask: “What do you want to ask? Ask me, and imagine that it’s Anastasia who responds”.

But they never ask, or they ask something unimportant.

There’s a parable that Anastasia recounted that I like. It’s called ‘The Two Brothers’.

Once there were two brothers. Their father died, and the older brother said to the younger: “Our father is dead, but he left us no wisdom. I’ll go and find wisdom and bring it home for both of us.”

The younger brother loved and adored his older brother. He said: “Ok. Take the horse and cart, and all the food we have. Go, big brother, and bring us back wisdom”.

And off he went. He was away for a year, and then ten years. He came back twenty years later, full of wisdom. He was followed by disciples.

He went to his little brother’s house. The little brother started to cry. “Thank god”, he said, “my big brother has returned! You’re so clever now”.

The big brother sat at the table with an earnest expression, and said to his younger brother: “Here’s a bit of wisdom for you - every person should plant a tree”.

The younger brother opened the window and asked: “Like this one?”


Then the said: “Every man should have a child”.

The little brother clapped his hands: “Like this one?”

And his daughter came running in.

Whatever piece of wisdom the older brother came out with, the younger had already fulfilled it. When it was time for the older brother to leave, he said: “Give me our father’s hammer and chisel”, and he took nothing else. He followed the path out of the village until he came to a huge boulder. In it he engraved the words: “That which you seek, traveller, is already with you”.

These are the words we search for. One need only look inside oneself, and open oneself up. I like that. It means we need to foster the power within ourselves, the knowledge and love that we have already. The goddess. You know?

Yana Iger: Yes, it’s a good idea.

Vladimir Megre: It’s such a small parable, and yet it’s the most popular one on the internet. People write: “This is just like from the “Ringing Cedars” books. In Russia people constantly talk about that story. I think there ought to be a film made of it. It’s such a small parable, but it affects people deeply. You want to make your wife into a goddess? She already is one! Look at her, she is a goddess!

Some women don’t even realise it themselves. And if a woman wants a knight in shining armour? How does she get it? What do you think?

Yana Iger: She needs to know what she wants.

Vladimir Megre: Close.

Yana Iger: And become the person who can achieve it.

Vladimir Megre: That’s it! You’ve got it! And then he’ll appear. As soon as you become the person in charge of your destiny. If you sit there and don’t take charge of your fate, what do you expect?

- Why aren’t you married?

- I’m waiting for my knight in shining armour.

Well what are you waiting for? Be the person who gets what they want, and you’ll get it.

Yana Iger: Now I have a question. The most important thing is living in a Kin Domain. At the moment, people in Germany can’t start up their own Kin Domain Settlements. I think it’s enough to simply cultivate their own space with love.

Vladimir Megre: Of course! In Russia we’ve always had the concept of dachas (summer houses). People were given six hundred square metres of land. On that land you had to build a house, toilet, and some kind of shed. Of course, they didn’t plant gardens because it would encroach on the neighbouring plot. But in any case, people had the experience, and now many are using this experience to build their Kin Domains.

As for Germany, as I already said - German people can leave Germany and go to Russia. About ten years ago a group of people from Germany wrote a letter to the president asking to emigrate. They are a group of about 30 - 40 Germans, migrants living in Russia. It is easy for people to move to Russia.

Yana Iger: Indeed. Many people say it is home. Anastasia says “Come home, you Russian souls, return.” A man from Europe and his American wife may live somewhere in the middle of Europe.

Vladimir Megre: Even so, they have no homeland. What is a Kin Domain? I do not merely own a hectare of land. I gather my whole family there. I gather people, from all over, for example, one from Germany, another from America, a third from Argentina. I gather my kin there in that place. How would you call your birth home that had since fallen into disrepair, or which perhaps no longer exists?

It is your birthplace, your native ground. Wherever you began, that is your native land.

Yana Iger: So a Kin domain is place where people begin life, and where they can plant their own trees and plants.

Vladimir Megre: Yes. As it turned out, my Kin Domain isn’t in a place with the best soil. I could have chosen to build it somewhere better, but other people marked it out and said: “This will be Megre’s plot” I didn’t know about it. One day I was driving along the road. I saw the settlement, and noticed how it was coming back to life thanks to the houses and other structures that people were building there. One plot remained completely overgrown and unused. A few trees had been planted at one end of the plot. I said: “What’s this neglected plot all about?” The guy who was traveling with me, who lived on the settlement, replied: “That’s your Kin Domain”.

I went to have a look. I walked around the plot. I walked through the weeds and checked out the neighbours. One of my neighbours is a doctor of economical science. He had flowers growing on his Kin Domain. Mine was full of weeds. I felt sorry for my overgrown plot. I mowed down the weeds. I wanted to get the land back in shape. Now it is my native land, more home-like to me than a Kin Domain built on the blackest soil. It is my home, despite the scantness of fertile soil among the clay. To you, your child will always be the best.

Yana Iger: I’ve got a plot just like that - clay and stones. However, whatever needs to grow there grows.

Vladimir Megre: Clay can also be useful.

Thank you for this meeting!

Greetings from our readers, or, as they liked to be called, “Anastasievtsjev”.

Yana Iger: All the best!

Frankfurt, October 9th, 2018