Elizaveta Krestyeva. How to defeat the virus of anti-rationality 23.04.2020 11:54:00

Елизавета Крестьева. Как победить вирус антиразума (3).jpg

Somehow I got used to use the term “anti-rationality” while speaking about civilization, humanity and the life of society.

But sometimes we need to get more down-to-earth. As Faina Ranevskaya said: “The most magnificent peacock tail hides the most common chicken ass right under it. So, please, less show-off, gentlemen”.

There is indeed much show-off. I also sometimes fall for it.

But what if... What if we took all of our usual everyday actions and looked at them really carefully in the light of this word (*anti-rationality). And studied them meticulously, like a small book font through a magnifying glass?

Are there really many rational actions, objects, and occurrences in our lives?
I take a look around.

Plastic toys
I cannot stand them, but they keep on giving them as gifts. And then you have no clue how to get rid of those piles of broken junk. Seriously, how, if we try to recycle everything right there, in our kin domain? We do not have the opportunity to bring it to the recycle. The same goes for plastic containers. That plastic is a very anti-rational thing!

Oh well... Every month they send us a dozens of catalogs from the online store where I sometimes order things. In those catalogs, if you look through the filter of rationality, only 10 percent of things can be called rational - natural, practical and beautiful. And the rest... Ripped jeans, evening gowns with huge cutouts, ridiculous patterns, a bunch of sequins. High heels and platform shoes. Belts, bags, accessories. Baggy clothes or the other way round, really tight. Sexy lingerie - three pages. Well, you get it!

FOOD! Please don’t tell me that bananas are our national raw food in Russia. Although all the raw food enthusiasts that I met spend half of their lives on bananas, avocados, and cashews. Usually they are mostly not quite so poor people and can afford it.

Not to mention artificial food. But, to be really honest, sometimes at night, bashfully licking my lips, I prepare myself instant noodles. Yes... it is completely anti-rational, but I can’t do anything about it. But at least I hide it from children!

You know, sometimes it’s a complete nonsense. For example, I'm sitting at my computer engrossed in writing novels, articles, and making notes. Anti-rational, right? But then you read it, find something for yourself, rejoice at something, make your own discoveries. So, it’s not exactly “anti-”. There must be something in it. And it’s already good.

Housekeeping and household. Appliances
No, I will never give up on using a washing machine! And neither will I give up on using a car that we drive once a month to the regional center. But a TV that shows regular television left my life about 20 years ago. News from the Internet I quit just about five years ago. It would be great, if it happened sooner.
News is a pure undisguised genocide. Are you still in doubt about it?

Well... You can only say one thing here - almost everything that is imposed on a person by society, has a light aroma of absurdity. And sometimes it just stinks of madness.

Take an ordinary school, for example... Probably it’s the same ratio - 10 percent of the good for a little person, the rest - is aimed at destroying them. Movies, gadgets, music, the Internet  - the same here.

And it’s the same in everything - just take a closer look! Just try to filter at least part of your environment through this sieve. Where are we really?

So indeed, less show-off, friends. We are all in that place, under the magnificent tail (*in the hole). Well, the oligarchs, perhaps, are under a peacock’s tale, and simple people are under a chicken’s one. And some probably lost the feathers completely. That is the only difference. So what is the point of hating some and extolling others? All of us need to get out of it.

And what to do?
Many gurus will answer you with a blissful smile: "Nothing. Take everything as it is and enjoy it! You can’t change anything anyway - but you can change your attitude towards it."
Nice point, right?
Good that there are also other words.


Елизавета Крестьева. Как победить вирус антиразума (1).jpg

So how to turn the ways and at least to start paving the path into the dimension of Rationality?

It’s actually simple - the way of small steps. We set destination: movement towards Rationality.

Today we will stop wearing ripped jeans. Tomorrow we will drink chicory instead of coffee. The day after tomorrow we will take the child out school. And the next child will be born at home.

And after a year or two we will arrange ourselves a hectare to create our Kin Domain.

Continue for yourself...

Елизавета Крестьева. Как победить вирус антиразума (2).jpg

Elizaveta Krestyeva
ПРП Радуши, Приморский край

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