Vera Pisarenko. Millions of families are in captivity, but we are in our little kin domain 28.04.2020 12:01:01

Вера Писаренко. Миллионы семей в заточении а мы в РП (1).jpg

Now, in the time of quarantine and self-distancing in the country, it became especially obvious that our decision to move from the city to the land 7 years ago and to create our own little kin domain on earth was the most right and happy decision in our life.

Now, when it is so hard for many people being locked up in their apartments with children, I thank God for my kin domain, for the sleep, for the games, for the researches that my daughters do under the native sky walking barefoot on the grass.

In this video, my eldest daughter Sofya is 2.5 years old.

She sleeps in a hammock under the nests of birds in our kin domain. In the same place where I was sitting while being pregnant and was dreaming about her. Now Sofya is six and a half. And she is now playing in the same place with her younger sister Marya. They have a hectare of land for running, researching, for games, reflection, creation.

Вера Писаренко. Миллионы семей в заточении а мы в РП (5).jpg

Do they even notice the isolation due to coronavirus? No. Although they are sorry that they cannot go to visit their girlfriends, and that no one is allowed to visit us. But this does not feel like imprisonment. It feels like a temporary parting.

Our children are not in captivity. Their life in kin domain did not become a confinement. They are happy. And so are we together with them.

How nice it would be now if every family in the world had their own small kin domain of one hectare! In order to come from apartments to their native nature, to God, to fresh air and flowers. So that their children could run and play, plant, dig and invent. And would not sit locked up, envious of dogs that are being walked.

Вера Писаренко. Миллионы семей в заточении а мы в РП (4).jpg

Our country has millions of abandoned hectares on land. In villages, around settlements - practically everywhere. Imagine what would be if it was given for free to all the willing families - large families, the ones who lost their jobs, poor ones, and just to those who want – a hectare of land to create their own little kin domain. And I don’t mean giving land for arranging dachas and summer cottages on it, with only six acres of land, where it’s practically impossible to build a house of feed a family from. Neither did I mean giving land for agriculture where even building a house on it legally prohibited. But specifically for creating a kin domain! With guarantees enshrined in the constitution that the land won’t be taken away. Not from them, nor from their children or great-grand-children. The land would be given without the right to sell it, or use it as a repay for debts, but with the right to pass it on by inheritance. Imagine it would also be free from taxes.  And many of us could easily manage the upcoming economic crisis.

We are about to face hard times. This is already clear. And here is the plan for overcoming the crisis - give people free hectares for kin domains! And give them guarantees!

Вера Писаренко. Миллионы семей в заточении а мы в РП (2).jpg

The elite has huge estates with service staff. And people have cramped apartments - some have small ones but of their own, but many just live in rented apartments. And the country has abandoned and lonely lands, and villages that die out. Give people a hectare of land - they will have enough space there for a garden, a vegetable garden, a house, and a forest, they will plant it all and will feed their families.

Small kin domains for every family! And with time there will be happy families in the country living a worthy life.

Вера Писаренко. Миллионы семей в заточении а мы в РП (3).jpg

The law for kin domains is needed now more than ever! We even have a political party in the country that was created for the adoption of such law. It is called “Rodnaya Partiya” (The Native party). Though, there are forces now trying to discredit and destroy it from inside with the hands of a former employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who became the party’s leader by deceit. But the movement supporting the kin domains is very big. It numbers millions. You can’t destroy us :) We are all very different, but we are all for the law on kin domains. So it will definitely be enacted. The question is when?

“Rodnaya Partiya”, come on, put things in order and bring the law to people! So that children would not have to grow up locked up, but could live in God's pocket so to say, which means in the garden of mother-nature.

Vera Pisarenko

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