"CREATION OF HOMELAND", the message of Vladimir Megre to his readers 05.06.2020 13:18:55
Vladimir Megre, Russian writer
I write to you, readers of my books of the series “The Ringing Cedars of Russia”! I am sure your ardent souls and hearts will help to perceive what I have said and unsaid in this message. Your feelings and mind have already nurtured the sprouts of the beautiful future for Russia and the world. It was you who felt the heart beating and aspirations of the heroine of the books, Siberian Anastasia, and followed her call.
It is you, who often with difficulties to find the funds, got and continue getting plots of land of one hectare overgrown with wild grass to create your kin domain, your small Homeland, your space of Love on them. To create them in memory of your ancestors, for now living children and future generations, a paradise oasis worthy of life of a rational person.
One hectare of land is just a microscopic point on our planet. But even this point, having felt the touch of kind human hands, can shine with beauty, radiate kindness and consciousness of its creators, delight the stars of the universe.
And when there are a lot of these points, when the hectares of kin domains surround large and small cities with the fragrant aroma of spring gardens and flowers, the air and water will become pure, and deadly weapons will only be kept as museum exhibits.
Unrealizable, fairytale-like and too fantastic, - skeptics will think. But do not rush to conclusions, gentlemen. Do not hurry!
There are already 400 in our native Russia. No, not just the hectare-sized dots, but 400 settlements consisting of kin domains.
Settlements of kin domains on the map of Russia
In new type settlements people began treating the land and their kin with a new consciousness. In order not to offend the land of their kin domain, many people quitted bad habits of smoking and alcohol consuming.
There are different settlements: large and small, well-developed and not too developed yet, but its number continues to increase, and the infrastructure is improving. The wonderful process could go much faster and more efficiently with a closer cooperation with the government and society.
For the implementation of this cooperation there is a mechanism established by law - it’s a political party promoting our ideas; those are as well elections to the local and federal authorities.
We have a party registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, called the NATIVE PARTY.
For the un-coming elections we need to organize and conduct a bright, information-rich campaign. We only have minimal time for preparation. A day of voting will be held in the regional authorities in September this year. And after that there will be the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
But we can make it in time, if all the people interested in their future join the preparation process, and above all the creators of kin domains, regardless of whether they are members of the NATIVE PARTY or not.
Yes, we do see and do create the beautiful future for our Homeland. But we cannot explain to society the aspirations of our souls with simple words that are understandable to everyone.
It is hard to explain it in words. It’s easier for a person to realize the future as beautiful, when they can hold something from that future in their hands, taste it and enjoy the aroma.
But can we offer something tangible to society already today? Yes! We can!
Come and see what the new settlements look like, consisting of kin domains of the future prosperous Russia. They exist in almost every part of the Russian Federation. They exist in the Sudogodsky district of Vladimir region, only 30 kilometers away from the city of Vladimir.
The Settlement of kin domains “The Native”, Vladimir region
Having seen good-quality houses with hectare-sized plots of land someone will say: "These people must have had solid capital to be able to get the land and build a decent house on it." I can understand the course of your thoughts, but please help me understand the other thing.
Among others, I will show you one kin domain hectare. It has a nice wooden house, and a pit dug for a pond. Fruit trees and bushes are growing. At the entrance by the road there is a garage made of boards.
The House of Zhukov’s
Perhaps you will also see a woman at the garden beds. I cannot drive past this hectare without stopping. But why?
This hectare was bought for 30,000 rubles by an old man of 80 years. The neighbors built their kin domains with their families. And he alone stood thoughtfully among the wild grass and overgrown forest, thinking about something, or walked with difficulty around the perimeter of his hectare. Then the old man set up an old soldier's tent, and slowly began to plant fruit bushes. His neighbors helped him build a small bathhouse. Having learned from the settlers about the strange old man, I came to him. I wanted to know what he was striving for, and also wanted to try to convince him to return to the city, closer to modern medicine. But I couldn’t. He was too unusual in his judgments.
When I entered his home, the old man was writing down his verses in a notebook bending over a small table. I asked him read them. They were about Homeland and about Love, about the meaning of life.
When I opened the door to leave, the old man stopped me with the words:
- Vladimir, do not worry about me. I'm alright. Like never before. I am just starting to live a conscious aspiring life.
- Aspiring after what?
I asked him, and he calmly and confidently answered with a smile:
- Aspiring after the future that you described in your books. I want to see it. And I want to meet a woman with a soul like your Siberian Anastasia. She will come if I become worthy of her. So I create the kin domain to be worthy of a woman with a beautiful soul.
I did not intrude on the unusual dream with my disbelief, and having said goodbye I got out and got into the car. On the way to the city of Vladimir I could only think of the old man, and of his unrealizable dream.
I stopped my Lexus where a country road joined the highway and got out into the wind with drops of autumn rain. I knew this road would lead to another new settlement of kin domains, where a woman in a wheelchair alone tries to organize her own hectare.
Somehow she herself has already built flower beds. She lives in a tent and draws on paper sheets a project of her future home, where it would be convenient to move around in a wheelchair.
And in the settlement next to this one, a single mother with two small children also tries to create and organize her kin domain, tries to build a house.
All of them are my readers, and for some reason I really feel responsible for them. Apparently the Taiga hermit Anastasia really gave me a magic pen, and I must be really careful with it. It is possible to understand when businessmen support Anastasia’s idea and build their kin domains. But a person in a wheelchair dreams, but does not understand that she cannot build a house.
A single mother with two small children also won’t be able to turn a hectare overgrown with bushes and wild grass into a blooming oasis. But she does not understand this.
And how could an old man in his declining years come up with such an impossible thing that a woman with a beautiful soul would come to him and would begin to live with him in his kin domain?
There are clearly very many of them in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine - my readers with passionate souls and unrealizable dreams of the beautiful future. Well, that would be one thing if they would just dream, but they seek to realize the unrealizable in reality. Surely, I must be very careful with the pen gifted to me by Anastasia. I thought this way more than once. But soon I realized that I underestimated the abilities of the Siberian Taiga hermit, and the abilities of a human dream.
About three years passed, and the woman in a wheelchair Margarita Vasilyevna, was waving her hand greeting me from veranda of her house. Everything there was accessible to her. Wooden walkways were laid from the house to the summer kitchen, and the passage to the unusual gazebo was really well thought out. In this gazebo she hosted one famous American family. The head of the family also ended up in a wheelchair after a car accident. There was a translator with us, people talked to each other and joked. Very handy the neighbor brought hot freshly baked bread.
The Russian woman, who did manage to build her wonderful home, and the American man were sitting in wheelchairs looking at each other, and were talking to each other about something without translator and even without words.
I say hello to you from the American family who visited the kin domains of Vladimir region, and I want to tell you - this family bought hundreds of hectares of land in America to create a settlement of kin domain on them.
The single mother with children, Natalya Sergeevna, did manage to build a house on her hectare. And she also got married, and gave birth to four more children. So now she has six children. She is in great shape and beautiful.
It is beyond comprehension by an ordinary mind, but it did work out with the old man as well. His neighbors told me how one day a woman, who came to visit the settlement, heard a story about the unusual old man. The neighbors told her how he lives, how he tries to build his kin domain alone, but it was not clear to people whom the lonely person was trying so hard for?
And the woman decided to visit the old man. She entered his tiny home and did not leave it until the night.
You could write a novel of a great instructive value or even a philosophical novel about the further life of those two people. About how even in old age one can start a new life.
The woman who came for a visit married the old man. She was 25 years younger than him, beautiful with the kind of inner ever-lasting beauty. And she turned out to be rich. She quickly built a good-quality house in the kin domain. I came to them for the housewarming party.
In the spacious room there was a long table is lined with food. There were many neighbors sitting at the table. They talked about different things. They discussed how beautiful the Russian stove turned out in the house. And the old man wearing a Russian traditional shirt with embroidery was smiling happily, and was reading his poems to the guests. And suddenly his wife, Raisa Alexandrovna is the name of the woman who came to the dream, said to the guests:
- Do you want me to show you something?
- Yes, we do want, - the gathering answered.
And she brought to the gathering the military officer tunic of the old man. And there was silence in the room. People were looking at many military orders and medals on the tunic of the Russian officer, Colonel, front-line soldier.

Zhukov Ivan Dmitrievich
And I was looking at the tunic too, thinking: "Where on this tunic to find a place for the main reward?" This colonel in front of all his neighbors single-handedly won the victory in the main battle. The colonel won the battle for his Dream and for his Love, for the prosperity of Russia.

The Zhukovs, Ivan Dmitrievich and Raisa Aleksandrovna, receive guests
Ivan Dmitrievich and Raisa Aleksandrovna lived together for four and a half happy years. The neighbors were recording on their mobile phones the trembling love of the two. The colonel died in 2013. His wife Raisa Alexandrovna did not take the body of the colonel to the cemetery. She buried him on the kin domain. That was the will of the hero.
What kind of power did the hermit of Siberian Taiga hide in the phrase "kin domain"? Or is the power hidden in her other words, such as "people, bring your homeland back"?
Not in words, but in reality, the future of the Homeland grows beautiful.
Already today, the kin domains of Vladimir region and of other regions of Russia can give city hospitals and kindergartens truly eco-safe organic fruit and vegetables. Hundreds of wells arranged by the creators of kin domains can provide pure water to those who want.
Already this spring in thousands of kin domains medicinal herbs will be planted, which are much better in their properties comparing to those sold in pharmacies.
Already today a number of kin domains produce first-class natural cosmetics and hygiene products.
And in a small Siberian village there is a manufacture producing cedar products under the brand name "The Ringing Cedars of Russia", using the ancient technology and the warmth of hands of modern people.

Megre Cedar House. The entrance to the manufacture of the company “Ringing Cedars”
It is at this manufacture, where cedar oil is produced, which is recognized by science and traditional medicine as an effective remedy for boosting immunity.

"Ringing Cedars" company, the production
I am proud that this production was founded by my children, and dozens of local villagers work there now.
I am proud that the products from a remote Siberian village are sold not only in Russia. They are exported to the cities of Europe, America and China; so far in smaller batches, but demonstrating excellent opportunities for the development of Russian economy.
I am sure that the children raised in kin domains will become talented, worthy of their parents. This is already happening.
The artistic monumental mosaic created by Ulyana, the daughter of my kin domain neighbors, Victor and Nina Medikovs, already adorns Orthodox Christian churches in Rome, Bari and Barcelona, Catholic churches in Detroit (USA) and Krakow. Ulyana received orders for the Pope. She became a world famous artist.
Our children! Thanks to them the disarmament race will begin in the world, which Anastasia spoke about; the disarmament race provoked by a little girl from a kin domain, who learned to be friends with bacteria invisible to the normal vision and, with their help, began to explode ammunition around the world that she disliked. I wrote the story told by Anastasia about this phenomenon in my book. It seemed incredibly fantastic to me.
And now we suddenly get this unusually strange coronavirus. Here is what Anastasia said about it:
- “What people call the coronavirus, Vladimir, is nothing but a living thinking substance. It is created and launched by the energy of thought and submits to it. It will hold a dialogue with humanity in the language of action.”
And look carefully at the situation. These invisible creatures forced people around the world to suspend their often harmful productions, to isolate themselves in their homes, and to reflect on their future and the future of all mankind.
I am sure that together we will be able to find the path to the beautiful future, and we will create it ourselves.
I thank the scientists of Russian universities, and first of all the group of scientists at Moscow State University, who saw the great prospects for the country in the social movement "Ringing Cedars of Russia" and in its kin domains.
I thank the Doctors of Economics Viktor Yakovlevich Medikov, who collected dozens of signatures of scientists in support of the movement for the creation of kin domains.

Victor Yakovlevich Medikov, Doctor of Economics
I thank Mikhail Pavlov. In his scientific works he justifies by historical examples the excellent prospects for the development of our country due to the kin domains movement.

Pavlov Mikhail Yuryevich, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Moscow State University
I thank the Governor of Belgorod Region, Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko. The law on kin domains was first adopted in Russia on his initiative.

Governor of Belgorod Region, Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko
I also thank those who spread the frightening misinformation about the “Ringing Cedars of Russia” movement, and thereby prevented the authorities from organizing the movement before time; thereby providing people with the opportunity to learn how to interact with each other on new principles.
I thank our President, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who, despite the misinformation, nevertheless issued the Decree on the Far Eastern Hectare. Not everything is smooth in this decree in my opinion. The necessary words are missing. It is too official. But nevertheless, thanks to this decree there has been created a mechanism to receive free hectares of land, which Anastasia spoke about. And now this Decree needs to be applied for the entire territory of Russia, with the necessary words added that are able to inspire people to the global creation.
And when the fragrant hectares of kin domains surround large and small cities, the turn of the Far Eastern land will come.
Russia has a great opportunity to stop the pandemic that spread out in many countries of our world. Not only to stop, but also to prevent more serious disasters following.
It will become possible to understand what has been said. One should only invoke their own logic when they become acquainted with the simple information.
Science cannot yet provide effective remedy against viruses. Even once invented it would take months and possibly years of testing its effectiveness and identification of side effects.
The government of Russia, as well as of other countries, in order to at least somehow stop the spread of the virus, reduce air and rail transportation of passengers, impose a ban on cultural events, urge people to self-isolation in their homes.
Self-isolation in a modern apartment can to some extent reduce the risk of contracting an infectious disease. But self-isolation in the confined space of an apartment will have a negative side effect for most of people. Having lost their usual lifestyle, with the fear of getting infected, not seeing any bright prospects for further life, a person will certainly become depressed, which in its turn significantly reduces his immunity, and, consequently, increases the risk of illness from many diseases.
Self-isolation in a country house on a plot of land of six hundred square meters also increases the risk of infection due to high density of those plots. For a sick neighbor working behind a net fence it is enough to sneeze and infection would be transmitted.
The families that organize their lives on kin domains have the greatest protection against coronavirus.
What is a kin domain in the modern understanding? This is a plot of land of the size of one hectare, which has a green fence planted along the perimeter. Inside there is a house, a pond, a well with pure water, a garden, a vegetable garden, a small forest zone with valuable wood species, flower beds of medicinal herbs, cedar trees, exuding volatiles disinfecting the air. In such a living paradise a family will undoubtedly be protected the most from any viruses. And in case of illness the living house will help to cope with it.
Kin domains effectively solve economic issues both of a single family and of a state as a whole. A man on a hectare of land provides himself with work and income from it.
A person living in a family estate can work remotely; modern means of communication allow many professions to do this. It is also possible to work at a manufacture in a nearby city. Moreover, in order to free up time, you can reduce the number of vegetable beds in the kin domain and increase the forest and garden areas that do not require any special care.
A kin domain can provide even a large family with first-class food products, the excess of which can be sold to city residents.
A kin domain is not only first-class food, clean air and life-giving water. The realization that you create an oasis in memory of your ancestors, for the happy life of your children and future generations, introduces you to eternity, gives a powerful energy charge.
And to you, readers of my books, I want to suggest you carefully consider the plan presented by the doctor from the future. That plan sets out the interaction of the creators of kin domains with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and with research and medical institutions. This plan is very relevant today, also for overcoming all kinds of epidemics, including COVID-19.
The Good be on Earth!
Sincerely yours, Vladimir Megre
May 20, 2020
#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia
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