‘Radomir and Lyubomila’ – a play from the Vladimir Megre’s books in Krasnolesye Settlement 29.07.2020 13:06:49

‘Radomir and Lyubomila’ – a play from the Vladimir Megre’s series ‘Ringing Cedars of Russia’, that took place in Sergei and Irimira Zolotaykos’ Kin Domain on 7 July, 2020.

Together we will immerse in our ansestors’ time, experience the beauty and mindfulness of their life.

The video is made by Mariya Starceva. ‘Radomir and Lyubomila’ – a graduation work of Anastasiya Ostanina.

Радомир и Любомила постановка в поселении Краснолесье (2).jpg

Kin Domains of Crimea-Krasnolesye

#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia