News from the Vetrov Kin Domain 21.08.2020 12:06:13

Our Kin Domain in the in the Rostock KD Settlement, Rostov Region.

This goat was born 12 hours after her brother, when she was no longer expected. Very small, did not seem viable. But now out of 13 goatlings she found a way to get milk first. The nickname came by itself - Fly.

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Nubian Goats Caramel and Swallow

Why do I like to walk with goats in any weather? This is a meditation, admiring the different seasons and nature in all its manifestations.

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Laying a vineyard

Our Lizochka was born and lived up to 7 years in Cyprus. Of course, over time, she began to feel nostalgia for the beautiful island and the childhood spent there. And so she decided to create islands of Cyprus in our Kin Domain: Nubian goats, which we first saw there, cypresses are already growing with us. And a few weeks ago she decided to plant vineyards. The only thing left to do is to find a suitable site, similar in landscape to the Cypriot rocky soil with a slope. But we have no problems with this either, since 75% of the land is rock, with clay-rocky soil.

И вот, мы начали копать по одной ямке в час. ЛОМ - инструмент № 1. Вместе с саженцами винограда, мы всей семье купили абонемент в тренажерный зал на воздухе, под названием "ВЫКОПАЙ ЯМКУ ДЛЯ ЛОЗЫ".

So, we began to dig one hole per hour. A CROWBAR is a tool number 1. With the grape seedlings, we bought gym membership in the air for the whole family, called "Dig a hole for the vine’.

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Sergei Vetrov
Vetrov Kin Domain

#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia