How it all began. Chronicle of Jarel Valley, Ukraine 21.08.2020 12:26:24

At the turn of two millennia, a series of books by Vladimir Megre was published, that made the majority of her readers experience incredible life changes. Books after which you want to live, create, restore what was destroyed in the different spheres of life, create beauty everywhere and look at children, your family, parents, and all ancestors in a new way. With deepest reverence, respect and love. Create families, raise children, and build relationships with others on very high, pure, spiritual level. To create Kin Domains for your families - living self-sufficient spaces that can become a loving cradle for many generations of your Kin.

In a fit of inspiration from the ideas and light images pictured in these books, the first settlements of Kin Domains began to appear and were built all over the world in different countries. This is how our Jarel Valley was created.

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17 years ago the Jarel Valley looked like this. Of all the tall vegetation, there are only these two overgrown quarries now, which became the common territory of the settlement

Like-minded readers from different parts of the country found each other through the first sites, ads on the Internet, grapevine. Inspirational meetings of future neighbors were held in Kiev. An initiative group was organized, which began searching for land for the settlement and processing necessary documents.

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The first field meetings were taking place already on the ground

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We received our land plots, taking advantage of the law of Ukraine, which allows every citizen to get private property up to 2 hectares for personal farming.

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Electricity was immediately installed on our own and roads were laid with a grader, which made it possible to begin active construction and move the first families to the land

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Is it possible to convey in words all those feelings of incredible joy and happiness when your foot steps on YOUR land? When tears are rolling from your eyes, as if you were looking for a way home for a very long time and finally came out on the right path. Where you can already see the outlines of a cozy home, a fruitful garden, a rich forest, a refreshing lake, buzzing flowers and greenery. Where, among all this beauty, the feet of your children are already running and you see the eyes of your beloved ones and relatives filled with happiness.

In 2003, the first land certificates were received and the active construction of our settlement began.

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The most noisy security of the settlement, the dog Fly

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Oleg organized the security of the settlement. A netting was stretched around the entire Valley, a watchtower was built, guards with dogs were on duty around the clock. Several thefts of building materials by local residents were prevented

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Planting a future freen fence in the Kin Domain

Tatiana Madison
Jarel Valley Kin Domain Settlement

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