Katerina Putsar - Is it possible for a person to imagine that he is worthy to live in paradise right now 22.10.2020 15:28:18

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Is it possible for a person to imagine that he is worthy to live in paradise right now? Not through generations, in some distant incarnation, not in other unreal worlds. Right today, now, in this life.

And the beginning of this paradise comes from a bright big Dream - to create Eternity for future generations, from the realization of Love to the Earth, to all life on it. The love is as the tender, indefatigable Love of a child for his mother, as the caring responsible Love of an adult for his nurse.

From a Dream, backed by a clear action. By a step made towards your all-encompassing happiness, towards your land.

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The action looks like simple. The action is - planting a cedar nut or an oak acorn in a pot, - planting your family tree in the ground. In an apartment on a window, Kin trees can grow in the first years.

The second step is to choose a place to your liking anywhere on the Earth, a piece of land of at least 1 hectare. So with your kind, purposeful thoughts, confident, precise actions, plant a paradise for yourself, for children and grandchildren - future generations in your native land. To plant trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers responsibly and with Love, upgrading your Space, consciously improving the habitat.

Plant family trees, a garden of various types of fruit-bearing seedlings, a forest of ordinary and ornamental plants on your land.

The Earth will return Love a hundredfold, will delight and amaze with its miracles and gifts.

This place on Earth, a piece of a small homeland, can and should be called the Kin Domain, obtaining happiness here for centuries.

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Our family has been creating our Kin Domain on our land for the four year, in thoughts and dreams, creating it many years before. Much has already been done, much remains to be done. We are inspired by examples of other Kin Domains created a little earlier, in the same way that we are creating our Kin Domain now. Paradise exists, it exists, here, right now.

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Excursion to our Kin Domain

A small group of neighbors from the KDS Rodovoye visited the Kin Domain of one of the founders of the settlement. The Kin Domain is 17 years now. Very young, and at the same time the forest has already risen, the ethers that make the air healing, the garden is already bearing fruit, you cannot tear yourself away from the aroma of fruits ... roses, flower beds, and all the variety of species delights the eye.

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Maybe this is a park or arboretum, or the best place on Earth? Yes. This KD is the Space of Love for Man.

The owner of the Domain took us around her plot, showed and talked about the variety of species, how she dreamed and made her dream come true. She treated me with fruits, laughed, saying that sometimes she herself did not believe that she had created all this on earth.

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After all, this place was a bare, dry after many years of digging, field. The intersection of several roads. The ground here was almost pure clay, a slope from which all moisture flows and evaporates.

Labor, perseverance, purposeful actions towards the reality drawn in the mind led to the divine point of being the founder of the Kin Domain.

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Low bow and gratitude to her for this example, for the Dream and its embodiment, inspiration and joy from contemplation. I didn't want to leave the founder of the Domain .. We talked for a long time, we could not make a step towards the exit. This is because one wants to be in the Space of Love, to breathe the healing air here, in a word, to be in paradise. According to Tamara Nikolaevna, she doesn't want to go anywhere, because here in her space, in one place, all the favorite places of the Earth have united, and it is good here, like nowhere else, because this blessed place was created with her own hands.

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The most interesting thing is that when you plant a forest for yourself, you plant it for everyone. Air, the clean air travels long distances. The water comes, pulled up by the roots of the trees. Forest animals, squirrels, in this case, are increasing, not disappearing, because nuts are already bearing fruit. How different your well-groomed piece of land from parks or public gardens. It differs radically. Indeed, in the Domain, every blade of grass, needles and leaves is saturated with the love of the one who planted and raised them. Feelings.. you can't deceive them, you can feel warmth and grace in everything .. There is a lot of embedded Love.

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If you have the opportunity, visit, go on excursions to the Kin Domains.

Friends, share so that the good news rushes around the world, across Mother Russia. A new Civilization has arrived. A new awareness has come. And everyone can take a step - start by planting a family tree. For Paradise here and now on Earth.

Katerina Putsar
MoiHectar.rf Family estate
Rodovoye KDS, Rostov region

#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia