Irina Lysenko about pumpkins and cedars 24.12.2020 09:18:19

Comment: Irina Lysenko shared her thoughts and advice after watching a video from a meeting with Vladimir Megre in the KDS Ladnoye Art Centre on October 24, 2020.

Hello, Vladimir Nikolaevich!

Those pumpkin seeds that you bought from the market are special varieties that are cultivated for the delicious seeds. These varieties have especially tasty seeds, but the pulp is of a mediocre taste. The seeds of pumpkin varieties with a sweet dense orange flesh are either inconvenient due to the properties of the shell peel for industrial cleaning, or they are not as tasty as in special varieties, and therefore they are not used to obtain seeds for food purposes. However, butternut squash with especially tasty pulp generally have seeds that do not have nutritional value. In addition, there is the so-called. gymnospermous pumpkins, they have seeds without a thick skin (do not require peeling), but the pulp tastes like zucchini. And to be honest, these bare seeds tastes not so good.

Ирина Лысенко о тыквах и кедрах (1).JPG
Photo by Tatiana Dombrowski

Those varieties of pumpkins that have been used to obtain seeds for food and medical purposes since Soviet times and have a shell at the same time, such seeds are much richer in taste. So it's not that you bought some special seeds from special pumpkins at VASKHNIL. Their only feature is that it is a variety for table. You need to know the features of each type of plant in order to do seedage at a quality level.

Moreover, I would like to say about the so-called. cedars +. I have been doing, one might say, alternative research in the field of growing woody plants from seeds for over 10 years in the south of the Tomsk region.

Now, at last, after lots of tries and errors, we have found our Kin domain.
Ирина Лысенко о тыквах и кедрах (2).jpg
Our Kin domain is called "Magic". This is only part of the magic, the rest does not fit into the frame, because there is a lot of magic. This photo was taken even before this space became ours.

I created my own unique technology for planting and transplanting woody plants, which allows you to avoid the attack of pests and diseases (including cedars), and to grow some more southern plants here without any problems.

So, having carefully listened to this meeting, I can unequivocally say: if you grow cedars from seeds from cedars + according to the generally accepted technology, then over time they will hurt almost no less than ordinary cedars, and in terms of yield they will hardly far exceed the usual plantings, despite what, as you say, now in the nursery differs strikingly from ordinary cedars. This is a touch from the parents, the strength they have transmitted due to their health, which can be leveled out due to improper planting, and this will not be noticeable very soon, since cedars are patient plants.

This is not about the cedars+ themselves, that they are some kind of special, but the fact is that these cedars + were sown and grew in conditions that allowed them not to rot, and thus not waste their energy on fighting decay of the root collar and the lower part of the trunk. Such plants are very rare in nature, since in nature (and even in gardens, and even more there because of the perverted planting technology), most tree seedlings grow with a deepening of the root collar, which, by the way, is defined completely incorrectly in science.

This is the key to unraveling the phenomenon when in nature there are especially prolific and long-lived trees and shrubs occasionally, which are not attacked by diseases and pests.

As for the cedar that grows near your garage, there are two reasons: the energy of human love smooths out the consequences of improper planting and gives strength to live, as well as growing in a dry place, where the upper part of the soil is construction waste that is not water-absorbing, and the lower part of the trunk dries up quickly after precipitation and less thawing due to this.

Irina Lysenko
Magic Kin Domain. Tomsk region

#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia