LePo formula 14.04.2022 17:33:16

We want to live with friends in nature, be healthy and free, create something big together, develop spiritually and feel the support of the family and the family. Unity and inspiration are important to us, as well as reducing our negative impact on the environment!

Формула Лепо (1).jpg

It would seem that there are three simple proposals, the value of which many can subscribe to. But for us, these three offers are special! After all, this is exactly the formulation we came to together when we wanted to formulate common values. And they did it!

Формула Лепо (2).jpg

Just imagine: 20 neighbors (men and women) enthusiastically compose something for three hours, share warm stories from life with each other, help formulate values, and then determine the most important and unifying ones - without arguments, without raising their voices and unnecessary debates. This is exactly what happened the other day in our LePo House, and it was really amazing and inspiring!

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Of course, we are still learning to negotiate and find a common language. And sometimes it's not easy. But the very fact that representatives of half of the Lesnopolyansk families decided to allocate a few hours on a day off to discuss the future together is worth a lot!

ЛеПоДом общий дом своими руками (9).jpg
LePo House

New meetings are ahead. Let's try to form an image of the settlement and even prescribe a specific plan for its implementation.

Lesnaya Polyana KD
Mari El

#ringingcedars #gardening #Megre #VMegre #RingingCedarsofRussia