Children of Mezhdureche 03.06.2024 22:03:29
In Mezhdureche, large families are the norm. Almost every family has more than three or is about to have one. This year, Santa Claus' gnomes gave as many as 33 gifts. And all our gifts have been made by hand for several years now. Our children's team is a special environment.
The process of creating gnomes for a New Year's gift
Some statistics:
- A lot of kids from 0 to 5 (20+ people)
- Several children from 5 to 10 (15+ people)
- Least of all those over 10 (5+ people)
With the exception of three, all children are homeschooled and do not attend kindergarten. In our settlement there is a common recreational and cultural center; parents cooperate and, in cold weather, conduct classes and clubs together, taking it in turns or together. Well, as soon as it’s warm and dry outside... Although at such times we also have classes and walks/hikes.
Since there are many children - holidays, including birthdays, are fun and creative.
There is a school next to us (three km from our house). Rural, cozy, homely until the 9th grade. There is also a school bus from the stop in the village of Shashkino to the village of Telche. There's a bigger school there.
The city of Mtsensk is 20 km from Mezhdureche. There are different circles and sections in the city. There are many families in the settlement who take them to various clubs, for example, to dances. Music school, wrestling, theatre group, sewing. There is a skating rink, cinema, park, swimming pool.
But the most important thing that our children have is freedom! For example, they have a lot of time to do “their own business,” such as building houses for gnomes.
MEZHDURECHE: Kin Domain Settlement
Oryol region
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