
Tatyana Pryadka. Cedar Planting. Ukraine

Cedar forests possess strong anti-bacterial activity — a big city can be cleaned from pathogenic bacteria through one hectare of cedar forest. 

Lesnaya Polyana (Forest Glade) Family Homestead Settlement

Our settlement is located in the ecologically clean place — Zvenigovsky district of the Mari El Republic. 

Ekaterina Salomahina. Guest from Poland in the Zvon-Gora Family Homestead Settlement, Belarus

Recently, the settlement was visited by the guest from Poland — Tomasz (Tomasz Nakonieczny), he stayed with us for a week. 

Mushrooms in the Homestead. E-Gorovo Family Homestead

This spring, delicious mushrooms were almost every day on our table. 

Video conference of Vladimir Megre in Prague, part 2

The answers for the most popular questions of readers.

Christina Timakova. A Little Bit of Philosophy about Having Children

In this article I want to talk about my thoughts regarding having children on the homestead.