
Video Conference of Vladimir Megre in Prague, part I

How does look like the perfect USB flash drive? Why do people get married? Is it possible to keep love? The greatest challenge of the future husband and wife; a real magic wand.

Russia’s Eco-Miracle

More than half of the food in Russia is produced ecologically thanks to the millions of families that grow their own parcels in their leisure time. The Russian state gives away such parcels for free for non-commercial agricultural purposes.

Daria Egorova."Zaryad'e" – for Dreams, Soul and Body!

It’s so nice to go visit neighbors for tea or dinner, to have a heart-to-heart talk, to share experiences and information, sing songs and dance to the accompaniment of accordion!

Gorskiy Stroy. Ekaterina Salomahina Talks about Embroidery. Zvon-Gora Family Homestead Settlement, Belarus

It started with my neighbor Zhenya — he introduced me to the Belarusian folk dance and as an integral part of it — Belarusian national stroy.

Bread out of the Adobe Oven! Rostock Family Homestead Settlement, Rostov Oblast

Zarianov family from the Rostock Family Homestead Settlement bakes delicious, yeast-free, homemade bread for friends and neighbors!

Svetlana Kukolschikova. Is It Possible to Restore Soil Fertility?

My husband made a high bed in front of the house for my garden experiments. The result is most enjoyable. In mixed planting: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash, zucchini and even beets, well, sunflower and wheat for decoration. It all grows well and bears fruit in the open ground even in this difficult summer.