The energies of autumn 22.10.2024 21:06:36

When you live in nature, you start to feel the change of seasons more intensely and the importance of transitional moments; they carry completely different energies and it is a wonderful to align with them!

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What new energies does autumn bring us?

If summer is a time of activity, with the sun at its peak, our bodies full of energy and a desire to accomplish many things—especially since nature supports us in this— then autumn brings a slowing down.

It is a time to take a breath and reflect. For many, this can feel uncomfortable; the mind is used to racing, hurrying and tackling important tasks, but nature's rhythms are different, creating a dissonance. We may feel out of sync with nature, leading to sadness and a sense that we’re not quite living life the right way.

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Autumn seems to have a conversation with us, with the rustling of leaves and vibrant colors reminding us that everything in this world has cycles—one thing ends, another begins. It prompts us to reflect on what truly matters: the meaning of life, our place in this universe, and the value of simple moments with loved ones by our side.

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This is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal, to remember how much we have been given! It’s a season of abundance, as nature itself gifts us with all sorts of fruits!

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Autumn is a wonderful time to shift our focus from the external world to the internal, and nature helps us do this with its longer evenings and the soothing sounds of rain! It’s no coincidence that many poets have loved this time of year.

Yevgeniya Guzeeva
MEZhDUREChE: Kin Domain Settlement
Oryol region

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