Kristina Crawford
Dear Mr. Megre,
I have been privileged to have the English version of your books. I am currently reading book five and read your letter to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. It inspired me to write my own letter to our president Barack Obama. In my letter I explained your books, the impact they've had on the world so far, and your letter to President Putin. I am hoping that possibly our two countries together can bring about the needed change even quicker than you or I can imagine.
I too feel impelled to spread Anastasia's message to all those whole will listen. The United States is responding well with many eco-villages in the works. I myself plan to start my own garden this year using Anastasia's method and non-gmo seeds. I assure you the message is spreading like wildfire and it all started because you were brave enough to write these books. Thank you for all that you have done and thanks to Anastasia for the kind words that the world so desperately needed to hear. This is most definitely a wake up call that has gone out globally. We shall see even greater change in this New Year to come!
Many blessings to you and your family, may you find your journey getting easier.
Warmest Regards,
Kristina Crawford
Flushing, Michigan (United States)
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