richard handscombe
Dear Vladamir and Anastasia, I am english and 78 years old and retired in 1994 to a then wonderful self sufficent golden valley. Now unfortunately most previoiusly agriculrtural land is built on or abandoned. In the valley are two caves where early man lived 27,000 and 25,000 years ago. Over 30,000 years the valley was step by step utilised productively and has taken less than 30 years to destroy most. I have my garden and olive grove and live mostly self sufficiently. Just two months ago two great new friends from Belgium told me about your books. I purchased them all for my own Christmas present. They are great. Don't give up on trhe challenge. You should come to Spain to give talks as I do about gardening and living self sufficiently. I am ñposting to you 'Living well from our garden Mediterranean style - spiritually, healthily, gastronomically and economically.
A big hug to you and all your current disciples.
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