How wonderful it is to live on a kin domain and to love all the living things 09.07.2020 12:50:14

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This is where we sit, relax by the pond and enjoy the beauty of water, the sky, the plants, birds singing, and the free animals of nature running by.

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Yesterday we were sitting quietly and the ermine that we are already familiar with ran up to my husband’s feet three times and looked into our eyes with his shiny little black eyes. That brought indescribable, pleasant, tender feelings, and the ermine probably felt the same way! How nice it is to communicate with animals that don’t ask for food and care, that just try to please a person and know for sure that they will never be offended by people that they trust!

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How wonderful it is to live on a kin domain and love all the living things, to give everyone tenderness, joy. And no one living in the Space of Love has fear of the Man, who protects everything, helps everything and does not kill anyone.

A beautiful roe deer came to our kin domain recently, but so far it has not come close. And during all the 15 years of living on a kin domain we had a moose, wild pigs, roe deer, foxes, hares, minks visiting. Even nutria came once to the kin domain by the stream! And hedgehogs, ferrets, weasels, ermines, mice, water rats, lizards, frogs, snakes, various birds live constantly with us. We are their neighbors and friends! There are many interesting stories to tell.

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Once a ferret decided to make a show: he was joyfully running in front of us, making funny somersaults - there was so much joy for him and for us! When the moose came, the husband was alone, my son and I were not there. The husband and the elk looked at each other for a long time, then the elk slowly and gracefully went about his business.

If you behave quietly and are peaceful inside, kind to everything, you can see many interesting things from the life of animals. Noisy people deprive themselves very much. I wish everyone quiet, kind, and gentle joy and then the whole Universe will open before you!

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We constantly go on walks in our large kin domain. Everything is beautiful and pleasant for the soul and body. We inhale divine aromas. It is especially pleasant that almost everything was planted with your own hands (some trees and bushes grew already before us). We love our plants - those that we planted ourselves, and those that have grown themselves. And the plants love us back. That is why it is so nice to live in the Space of Love!

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Walking in a pine grove, which we planted on the kin domain, I saw three owl chicks on one pine! They were already big, but heir floccus had not been fully replaced by feathers yet. So beautiful and funny! Two of them flew away, but one stayed and was looking at me all surprised and interested, and I had enough time to admire that miracle of nature! How beautiful the world is!

Земля вся прекрасная, поместья соседей, которые тоже сотворили свои поместья - прекрасные, но свой дом-поместье для каждого хозяина самый прекрасный!

The whole land is beautiful! The kin domains of the neighbors, who also created them - are all beautiful. But your own home - your kind domain is always the most beautiful to each owner!

We call our settlement RADONEZHYE (“tender joy”) because we like the image of tender joy and this image helps us to become joyful, gentle and kind to all living things, and generally helps in everything.

I like the names of settlements, which reflect the desire of people to become better. For example: “Kind”, “Friendly”. There are many beautiful names with the meanings that people strive for. They want to be kind, friendly.

Svetlana Landar
The Settlement of Kin Domains RADONEZHIE (Vinogradovka)

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