
Vladimir Megre is talking about book fair

Hundred thousand square meters, 110 countries, Russian authors , our publisher from Germany and a little but relevant stand.

The opening of the Frankfurt Book Fair

Video sketches from the first day of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2018. Look at the world through our eyes and ears, we will show the backstage of publishing.

First days of Vladimir Megre in Germany

When was the last time Vladimir Megre met Anastasia, where is their son? The Backstage of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Books by Vladimir Megre at the annual book fair in Frankfurt am Main

Traditionally, this event attracts everyone who is associated with the publishing, distribution and sale of printed products together with the consumers around the world.

Keep hold of the vision!

I believe it is necessary to discuss whether settlements consisting of kin domains (family homesteads) can be termed "eco-settlements"?

Meet Vladimir Megre in Germany 14.10.18

Vladimir Megre is being part of Frankfurt International Book Fair 2018. You have the only chance to meet author.