

"... Oh, how many positive emotions there will be on that day! They will conquer many diseases, those diseases that mean death and those that have lingered for years will go away..."

Paperback Edition of Volume 10 In English - "Anasta" - Is Finally Available!

A paperback edition of the tenth volume "Anasta" translated by Susan Downing is finally on sale!

Readers Meeting In Prague

On saturday 25 June was held meeting of readers of V.Megre books. Six hours of meeting passed like one second.

Invitation to the Readers Meeting, July 23, in New York

Approximately 20 of July of this year I'll be in NY, where will be organized a meeting with readers. If someone can, please come to this meeting and we will directly communicate. I will tell you about what is happening in Russia after the book and answer your questions. See you soon!

News from the Japanese Readers of Vladimir Megre

Read several news from Japan.

Join the New Facebook Group For English Speaking Readers!

My granddaughter Nina Megre studies English. She has created a facebook group for English speaking readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" book series: