
Join the New Facebook Group For English Speaking Readers!

My granddaughter Nina Megre studies English. She has created a facebook group for English speaking readers of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" book series:

Conceptual-artistic singularity of the prose of Vladimir Megre

Our reader from the Slovak Republic, Martin Shkrovankova, under the guidance of assistant professor Alima Nikolaevna Shtyrov, KF, defended at the Department of Russian Language in the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Constantine their Bachelor's thesis work entitled "Conceptual-artistic singularity of the prose of Vladimir Megre".

Join New Web Pages of Vladimir Megre!

Dear readers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series!

For your convenience, we have added even more web pages of Vladimir Megre in the most popular social networks and blogs. 

The official website of Vladimir Megre has been updated!

Dear friends! We bring you the new website of Vladimir Megre!

Businessman With Pure Intentions

The owner of the Czech hotel, "Opava" after reading the books by Vladimir Megre, decided to equip their hotel rooms with sets of books of the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series.