
New Way of Thinking and the Significance of the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series by Vladimir Megre

New way of thinking and the significance of the Ringing Cedars of Russia series by Vladimir Megre — what’s the connection?

Privol'e Family Homestead Settlement

We are located in Siberia, Kemerovo oblast, Topkinsky district, 70 km away from Kemerovo.

Images with Mistakes of the Past — Draw the Moral

You can, of course, ignore the fact that Anastasia splashed out a new way of thinking.

Kovcheg Family Homestead Settlement

Kovcheg Family Homestead Settlement – one of the first settlements consisting of family homesteads, created in the last 10 years throughout Russia.

There Will Be a City Garden

In the mind of the modern Russian city is opposed to the village.

Milenki Family Homestead Settlement

220 km from Moscow and 42 km away from Kaluga. The settlement is located in an ecologically clean area and borders on the territory of Ugra National Park. The river flows 2 km from the settlement.