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Vladimir Megre: on Anastasia and the power of "Ringing Cedars"
MEGRE cedar nut oil - unique Siberian manufacture
Family Homestead Settlements 20 years later
Video conference of Vladimir Megre in Prague, part 2
Video Conference of Vladimir Megre in Prague, part I
Vladimir Megre Congratulations on Earth Day!
Vladimir Megre Conference in India
An Episode From Vladimir Megre’s New Book
Invitation to the Readers Meeting, July 23, in New York
Vladimir Megre Wishes You A Happy New Year 2016!
Vladimir Megre's Proposals For Stabilizing the Political Situation in the World
Vladimir Megre About the "Family Homestead" Image. Impressions About the Trip to New York
Vladimir Megre in Yew York. Speech
Vladimir Megre at Nexus Global Youth Summit 2015, New York City. The Opening
Vladimir Megre at Nexus Global Youth Summit 2015, New York City. The Second Day of the Summit
Vladimir Megre Congratulates You With the Earth Day from New York!
Vladimir Megre’s New Year’s address for 2015
The Fourth "Ringing Cedars" International Festival 2014
"Summer People Day and Whole Earth Holiday!" July, 23
Vladimir Megre Ringing Cedars of Russia Readers Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA