
Tell Us About Your Family Homestead Settlement

More recently, there were 230 settlements consisting of family homesteads and we thought it a lot, but at the same time, we understand that this is not the limit. We are pleased to inform now there are 341 settlements in Russia that officially declared itself.

Anastasia is now available in Chinese Simplified!

We wish to congratulate our publisher in China with the great work!

"Anasta" is now in Finnish

Dear friends, we can't wait to share this wonderful news with you!

"Anasta" is now available in Finnish language...

Reportage on TV channel “Russia 1” from “Megre”Cedar house (Part 2)


In the Novosibirsk region have collected a record harvest of cedar cones...

Guests from Hong Kong

On 17th September our Cedar House had guests from Hong Kong, our representatives - Andy and Joey!

Joint travel to Goa, India Anastasia fund's programme activities 2017

Offered to all interested readers of books by Vladimir Megre from different countries.