
The Kamaleev family: new neighbors in the Lesnaya Polyana settlement

Timur learnt of out settlement having watched TV program.

Green fence of common spruce in the Shakhmatov’s Kin Domain

At the Vasiliy and Tatiana Shakhmatovs’, Mirnoe KDS.

Tatiana Madison. Independence Day and a Kin Domain – new meanings

What do families of all the continents depend on? On currency rate, salary, healthcare, education system, electricity and something else. 

Natalia Sholina-Nesterchuk. What does living in a Kin domain mean?

Living in a Kin Domain is when you want all the world to become a Garden of Eden! 

Crop of the ANDiKA Setllement

Tomatoes in abundance. 

They call their houses with some land as "Kin Domains"

There are about 20 of the like-minded people, who live in nature, run houses, wake up with the dawn, and go to sleep with the sunset.