
How wonderful it is to live on a kin domain and to love all the living things

I wish everyone quiet, kind, and gentle joy and then the whole Universe will open before you!

Elizaveta Krestyeva. How to read books by Vladimir Megre with children

One should always be on the alert and use every chance to insert portions of the vital information of pristine origin into the child’s brain.

Kin domain settlement Radosvet: from Germany to Russia

We are going to share the story how the Tomas family moved here.

Nadezhda Kazanskaya telling us about the garden-beds at her Kin Domain

In 2003, when we just obtained the land to create our own Kin Domain.

New road in Lesnaya Polyana Kin Domain Settlement

We have a little cause to celebrate!

Viktoria Borkina: Lavender Love

Hot to make my dream of lavender field come true. I have an idea!