
Oleg Tkachev. We are reporting from the Kin Domain

It is so beautiful here that the soul sings!

The Settlement of Kin Domains "Zvon-Gora" is 15 years old

We are improving the environment around us!

Children of the Karavaev family take care of their little pieces of land in the kin domain

We were amazed that the children really absorb everything that we do.

Birthday present for the Motherland - cedar as a symbol of Russia

Cedar trees will be able to improve the air around the whole planet!

How it all began. Chronicle of Jarel Valley, Ukraine

Is it possible to convey in words all those feelings of incredible joy and happiness when your foot steps on YOUR land?

A pensioner from Mari El grows a whole grove of "kings of the forest" in his garden

A resident of Mari El, Vasily Semyonov, not only read the books of Vladimir Megre, but also fired up the desire to breed cedars himself.