
Stanislav Chernyshev - How not to destroy a family while moving to land

As the experience of the residents of Radosvet KDS shows, a family is a zone of high turbulence.

Lilia Vasilievna's Kin Domain, Ladnoye KDS

An amazing woman who has been creating her own Kin Domain alone for more than 16 years.

Exotic at the Rainbow Forest Kin Domain

In the spring, I planted several sticks of figs, frost-resistant varieties, in the greenhouse…

The 5th book from the series “Ringing Cedars of Russia” has been published in Lithuania!

Congratulations to our publisher from Lithuania with the release of the book 5 "Who Are We".

50 Siberian cedars planted on the territory of the National Medical University in Kiev

The largest healing cedar grove of the capital has appeared in Kiev today.

Improvement of a pond in the Svetodar settlement

We made the sandy beach!