
Raccoons, fish and other news from the ANDRiKA Kin Domain

Only after a comfortable and surprisingly rainy June, came usual cubanian heat with 38C.

Aigel Mikhailova Living on the native land is great!

 I am very grateful to the Universe for how my life is going!

Natalya Zaryanova - I have a lot of different plants in my nursery garden

I am happy to tell everyone, and I share my discoveries and successes.

Tatyana Rus: Life in a kin domain is full of bright and kind feelings

This moment will remain forever - it is written on the pages of happiness of my life.

The kin domain of the Milins family

In April 2014 we moved to our kin domain for a permanent residence

The new neighbors in the Settlement of Kin Domains “Lesnaya Polyana”

We went just for the festival, but already on our way we felt the "point of no return".